Sunday, October 11, 2015

Artisans Love Cheese and FroPud

I think it's time I put my foot down. No more cheese for me, at least for the time being. I'm already thinking of all the mac and cheese I'm missing out on as I type this, but after a week straight of cheese-infused meals I'm all dairy-ed out. Let me tell you something about cheese: hipsters love it. Over the weekend, I attended Artisanal LA with Jenn since I got free wristbands from work, and almost every other booth was an artisan cheese booth. What is it about cheese that makes it so versatile to cater to the masses of us artsy hipsters (as if they would accept me as one)? Is it the different farm animals it comes from? How many other hipster ingredients they can somewhat seamlessly blend with it (ex: espresso and lavender)?

Stay tuned as BTB's Bella investigates.

In all seriousness (as if cheese was ever not serious), they were pretty darn good. Nothing wrong with a beautifully designed and packaged cheese. Can I stop talking about cheese yet? Let's take a break.

Artisanal LA was hosted at The Reef, an unexpected bright and open venue south of DTLA, just a few blocks away from my work's office. I pass by it all the time on my way to work and was always curious about what the building was. I'm so glad I got to answer the question!

The event was basically to highlight makers and small creative businesses and encouraged attendees to be a part of the community. Jenn and I were really excited to try all the samples like, which as I previously rambled on about, cheese, jams, and FroPud.

What is FroPud, you ask? FroPud is Jenn's and mine's coined term for frozen pudding, something we thoroughly enjoyed thanks to Little Spoon. Thanks for gracing us with that brown sugar vanilla FroPud goodness. The best thing about FroPud is that it doesn't melt into an undesirable liquid consistency; it becomes pudding! Who would've known? I probably should've, it's in the name after all.

My favorite thing about the event was probably the live workshops. It took us about three circles around the venue to find the workshop station, so navigating the place would've been remarkably easier had we actually read the directory. Oops.

The wreath making workshop ended up being a little too pricey for us, so we opted for the brush calligraphy session with Iribe Calligraphy after. It was a quick workshop and more self-taught than anything due to the high noise volume, but the instructor took time to check up on us one by one and even wrote out our names to practice!

I didn't do a good job of recreating it, as you can probably tell from above. Eventually we got bored of copying the alphabet over and over, so we started writing obscene rap lyrics instead. It's okay though because it was pretty, and aesthetics is the only thing that matters, right?

Now to fashion! If you didn't catch on by now, Jenn works at Everly so we get samples every week to shoot for her work. Being the lucky roommate that I am, I get to be her model. So yes, the dress is from Everly yet again, but we're going to try to wear our own clothes for our future blog posts. We always try to make it our own though. I belted the dress to give it some shape, transforming it into a more modern and defined silhouette. Without it, I felt like a grandma in the '80s missing her beloved shoulder pads. The shoes were an awesome bargain from Old Navy purchased last year.

Some photo booth fun. This was our second attempt. Our first was a mess.

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